Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Response to Economist.com article...

The ground reality in India is different. Post-2004, the so-called reforms have been slowed down. Welfare programmes have come up due to the intervention of the Left parties, particular Communist Party of India(Marxist). For example, National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme through which the rural poor gets 100 days of employment in a year. Though many shortcomings are there in the implementation of the scheme, it has given a breathing space to the rural poor.

During the election campaign, the Congress did not campaign on reforms plank. It campaigned saying that they had brought a scheme that gave the employment to the poor. Infact, the Congress should thank the Left parties for having helped them to come back.

Another example is banking sector. Even the people in the government had agreed, the banking sector did not collapse because of the ownership nature. Since the banks are in public sector, unlike the American banks, they have survived the worst world economic crisis.

Congress could capitalist the inaction of the main opposition party, that Bharathiya Janata Party(BJP). They had always side-stepped from the issues that affects the people.

If the Congress deviates from the trend that was set due to the pressure of the Left, they will start losing from the next state election itself.



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